Authorial Guidelines
General information
- contributions can be submitted in German or English
- original articles should be between 6,000 and 8,000 words, all other contributions should not exceed 4,000 words; if your contribution is longer than this, please contact the editorial office in advance
- original articles and reports should be accompanied by a (capitalized) title and abstract (ca. 300 words), original articles also by 5-6 keywords (all English)
- please include a current address of correspondence for original articles and reports (name, institute, university, email address)
- original articles are subject to (double-blind) peer review
- authors are responsible for obtaining image rights when using illustrations
- Re:visit is committed to gender-sensitive language
Formatting standards
- manuscripts should preferably be submitted in doc or docx-format (Times New Roman, 12 pt., 1.5-line spacing, new paragraphs not indented)
- if needed, headings can be numbered (1., 1.1)
- emphasis
- use italics for foreign language expressions, emphasis, and titles of journals, magazines, and works (books, poems, movies, etc.)
- use ‘single quotation marks’ to distance yourself from a word or phrase, or to highlight metalinguistic expressions (e.g.: “Platon uses the term ‘soul’ to …”)
- avoid all other forms of emphasis (bold, blocking, underlining, etc.)
- introduce abbreviations on the first mention (e.g., Tiroler Landesarchiv [TLA])
- put omissions, changes, or additions in [square brackets]
- use footnotes for bibliographical references and additional remarks; footnotes are placed after the punctuation mark
- quotes in languages other than German or English are accompanied by a translation provided in the footnote
- quotations
- put short quotations in “double quotation marks”
- put quotations longer than 4 lines in free-standing indented blocks (no quotation marks), with 1 blank line before and after the quote
- literature is quoted in footnotes (not endnotes); there is no separate bibliography at the end of the article
- sources are given in full on the first mention, after that a short title will suffice (author, short title, page); indications such as “ed.”/“eds.” are omitted in short titles
- separate two or more authors or editors by a comma; from three people onwards, only the first name is mentioned followed by “et al.”; the same applies to places of publication
- list places of publication in full (e.g., Frankfurt am Main)
- edition numbers are placed in superscript before the year of publication
- use “see” to refer to indirect quotes, reference to further research literature, and the like
- page references are given in full (not “f” or “ff.”)
- page numbers are quoted without “p.”/“pp.”; quoted chapters are indicated by “chapt.”, and quoted lines of verse by “l.”
- use "ibid" for the same authors and or "idem" for the same works when cited successively
First Name Last Name: Title. Subtitle. Place Year, Page Number.
- Hanna Meier: Medical Humanities. Neue Diskussionen. Freiburg im Breisgau 2020, xxi.
- Joanna Smith: Medicine 2.0? Digitalizing the Medical Humanities. Cambridge 1999, chapt. 2.
- Stanley C. Dow, Carla Wintorp: Mind and Body. London et al. 22018, 15-17.
short title: Dow and Wintorp, Mind and Body, 5.
Edited volumes
First Name Last Name: In: Title. Subtitle. In: First Name Last Name (ed.): Title. Subtitle. Place Year, Page Number.
- Hans Meier, Gert Müller, Hila Schmidt: Medizin in der Literatur. In: Wolfram Wollert (ed.): Kunst und Heilen. Stuttgart 2017, 99-123, 105.
- Carla Macron et al.: Literature et médecine. Approches historiques et contemporains. In: Marie Claire et al. (eds.): Medical Humanities. Paris 2004, 52-76, 53-54.
- short title: Macron et al., Literature et médicine, 57-58.
First Name Last Name: In: Title. Subtitle. In: Journal Title Volume (Year), Page Number.
- John Dubil, Araceli H. Kroger, Willa Carton: The Talking Cure. New Thoughts on Bibliotherapy. In: The Art of Healing 5.1 (2005), 640-641, 640.
- Cilla Green et al.: Critical Medical Humanities in the Classroom. Results of a Pre- and Post-Questionnaire Study. In: Medicine and Education 67.3 (2021), 1-17 [special issue on Medical Humanities, ed. by Cynthia Webber]
- Urs Weimart: Kunst in der Patient-Arzt-Kommunikation. In: Ars Medicinae. Open Access Journal of Medicine and the Arts (2019).
- short title: Weimart, Kunst in der Patient-Arzt-Kommunikation.
First Name Last Name: In: Title. Subtitle. In: Magazine Title (Date), Page Number.
- Tomo Tahoke: Brauchen wir heute noch anatomische Zeichnungen? In: Medizinisches Tageblatt (15. July 2021), 6.
- Fady Lebon: Medicine on the Cutting Edge of Reason. In: Washington Enquirer (03. May 1999), 38-40.
- short title: Tahoke, Brauchen wir heute noch anatomische Zeichnungen?
Unpublished theses
First Name Last Name: Title. Subtitle. Diss. Univ. Place Year.
- Lauren Bieber: Beethovens Ohr. Studien zum komplexen Verhältnis von Musik und Krankheit. Diss. Univ. Innsbruck 1967.
- Michael Drummond: „… I Decline to Answer!“ A Philosophical Approach Towards Autonomy and/in Speech Therapy. Diss. Univ. Ann Arbor 2000, 5.
- short title: Drummond, I Decline to Answer, 7.
First Name Last Name: Title. Subtitle. In: Website (Date). Link (Last Accessed).
- Magdalena Werner: Heilkunst. In: Der große Bartholomäus. Online-Lexikon der Sprachgeschichte (no date). (25.10.2021)
- Medical Humanities. In: DMT- Dictionary of Medicine and Theory (June 2007). (25.10.2021).
- short title: Medical Humanities, DMT.
First Name Last Name (dir.): Title. Subtitle. Country Year.
- Maria Heitermann (dir.): Painting my Partner’s Pain. Documentary. Italy et al. 2009.
- short title: Heitermann, Painting my Partner’s Pain, 1:17:30.
Archive, Holding, Fascicle, File Number, File Item.
- Tiroler Landesarchiv [TLA], Jüngeres Gubernium Sanität 1794, Fascicle 2405, Nr. 1624/124, Anweisung an die Kreisämter von Schwaz und Bozen wegen Verbots des Hausierens mit Medizinalwaren, Innsbruck 28.1.1794.
- short title: TLA, Jüngeres Gubernium.